“As one Lamp Lights another, nor grows less, So nobleness enkindled nobleness”.                   

We at Career Hub believe in change, change in the way we look at the Employment Opportunities and Challenges, change in the way we approach those challenges, the way we prepare them and finally, the way we master them, at the end. India, being one of the fastest growing economies, offer, all kinds of employment openings and it’s incumbent upon us that we prepare ourselves well to avail the opportunities offered and Career Hub is committed to increase the Employability of our students and equip them to meet all kinds of challenges of the job market. As a socially conscious organization, we also extend our helping hands to them who come from challenged strata of the society, to ensure Equality of Opportunity.


परिवर्तन,एक सजग एवम् सुनियोजित परिवर्तन और इस दिशा में निरन्तर प्रयास,यही Career Hub का लक्ष्य भी है एवम् स्वप्न भी ।

Career Hub,रोज़गार के विविध आयामों के लिए विद्यार्थियों को तैयार करने,उनकी रोज़गार क्षमता बढ़ाने एवम् ज़रूरतमन्द विद्यार्थियों की मदद करने हेतु कटिबद्ध है ।
आइए, साथ आगे बढ़ें !!

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